Software Designed For You

A feature-rich chromatography batch engine and powerful post-run data analysis.

Gradient Configuration

Optimize gradient accuracy and precision by setting pump start values and selecting proportional integral-derivative (PID) parameters

Gradient Visualization

Confirm the gradient configuration profile prior to starting the method.


Fractionate by time, CV, volume, UV1, UV2, % of UV peak height or conductivity

End Conditions

Set the end conditions for a step to display a prompt for user action, pause or end the run.

Column Management

Create and maintain a library of column diameters and bed heights for columns that will be used with your system. CV will be automatically calculated.

PID Preset Management

Simplify your operation by maintaining a library of preset PID values for flow, conductivity and temperature controllers.

A Number of Effective Functions


Multi-step gradients programmed in one simple step


Sophisticated fractionation can be executed by time, volume, column volume, UV, conductivity or percentage of peak height


End conditions for a step are based on time, UV, volume, column volume, conductivity or other parameters

Simple, yet powerful method configuration for the savviest chromatographer.

Data Analysis Tool

The Data Analysis Tool software alleviates the need for offline data manipulation by automating many of the key analytical chromatography functions. Available post-run calculations include:

  • Area under the curve
  • Asymmetry
  • Height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP)
  • Frontal peak analysis (FPA)
  • Overlay of hundreds of historical trend data (UV, conductivity, pH, pressure, flow, temperature, etc. )