Key Features
- Bolt free design (innovative I-bar format) to improve efficiency of removing the top of the column to access the process chamber.
- Unique frame with ergonomic handle assembly to facilitate smooth, safe unpacking and cleaning.
- Capable of handling columns up to 85 cm i.d.
- Capable of locking at 25-degree intervals with built-in safety mechanisms to prevent accidental rotation.
- Dynamic piston movement, to allow for simpler bed height adjustment.
- Minimized footprint to integrate into manufacturing floor seamlessly.
- Safe, lockable casters.

Smooth Column Changeover in 9 Easy Steps

- Secure column in vertical position with upper section attached to overhead hoist.
- Remove I-bars and store in convenient storage location on column frame.
- Lift upper section with overhead hoist.
- Tilt column for discharging solid support and cleaning.
- Return column to vertical position and remove bottom plate.
- Change frits and seals on upper section and bottom plate.
- Replace bottom plate and charge new solid support into column.
- Replace upper section by lowering back into place and reinstall I-bars.
- Lower piston to achieve desired bed height and prepare for next batch.