Single-Use Means Flexibility & Reliability
In today’s clinical and multi-product manufacturing facilities, having flexibility for fast changeover is paramount.
Bold Design, Simple Functionality
With a footprint of a modest 712 mm x 1067 mm (28 in. x 42 in.), the VANTIJ SU-VFC can be installed in almost any downstream processing area and is fully 21 CFR Part 11 compliant. Universal gamma-irradiated tubing sets can be used with our Planova 15N, 20N, 35N and BioEX filters. By incorporating the capability to perform the visual leakage test (VLT), the VANTIJ SU-VFC permits simplified implementation of Planova filters in your process.
Sample Operational Program
- Install tubing set
- Tare pressure sensors
- Pause
- Prime all inlets
- Prime pre-filter (optional)
- Flowmeter verification (optional)
- Pre-use VLT
- Pre-use flush upflow
- Pre-use flush filtrate
- Filtration
- Recovery flush (optional)
- Post-use VLT
- Shell drain

Mitigate Risk with Intuitive, Customized Automation

The VANTIJ™ SU-VFC includes several risk-mitigating features and design elements to ensure that your high-value biotherapeutic is safely, reproducibly and reliably filtered batch after batch. OCELOT™ System Control – our universally compatible automation platform – allows for intuitive configuration of all virus filtration process steps.